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Corpus Christi College, Bateman WA – Celebrating Australia’s First People
As a Catholic school committed to promoting equity for all people, Corpus Christi College pledges to create an understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal peoples and their histories, cultures and spirituality. The College seeks to integrate Aboriginal education across all areas of the curriculum to foster a respect for, and appreciation of, this integral part of Australian culture. We acknowledge that this land is, was and always will be traditional Aboriginal land.
In seeking to build respectful relationships, the College facilitates opportunities for connection and dialogue, including the annual Year 11 immersion to the Kimberley, the College-wide celebrations of NAIDOC Week and National Reconciliation Week, student excursions and incursions, and professional learning for College staff. The College is proud to have Aboriginal students as part of its community, where inclusiveness and a sense of belonging are prioritised as part of a pastoral care system that supports all students.