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Catholic Regional College, Sydenham VIC – Building Resilience

Our dedication to building resilience stems from our commitment to Visible Learning and Restorative Practice. The ongoing development of these programs at the College is preparing students to be strong, confident and decisive leaders of the future, while allowing them to confront and emerge stronger from today’s challenges. Student well being is at the forefront of what we do and we aim to holistically educate, celebrate and support the whole learner through our SPICES model (Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social). Our students never see a need without doing something. Catholic Regional College Sydenham is a community within itself however we also understand the broader picture that is needed to prepare students
for the world beyond the classroom. As such, we must be a community minded and therefore connected to
the broader community. As a community in Christ we commit ourselves to the values of self-disciple, care, hospitality, endeavour, dignity, compassion, integrity, excellence, leadership, courage, commitment, forgiveness, respect, creativity, stewardship, faith, service, responsibility, justice, reconciliation and
empowerment.These are all important pillars of our students’ education journey in partnering with families, friends and the business community connected to the College


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