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Brigidine College Randwick NSW – Change Makers

To immerse oneself in the spirit of Brigidine is to encounter a nexus of tradition and innovation, where each young woman is emboldened to leave an indelible mark on the world. At Brigidine College, we envision a future where our students become the change-makers of tomorrow, ready to take on diverse challenges across various pursuits. Guided by our motto, Fortiter et Suaviter, with strength and gentleness, we create a nurturing environment that empowers young women to evolve into confident resilient and compassionate leaders.

Our holistic approach to education prioritises academic excellence while fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for navigating a rapidly changing world. Brigidine students challenge the status quo, innovate and engage in meaningful discussions surrounding social justice, equality and sustainability.
Through leadership programs, social justice initiatives and extracurricular opportunities, they cultivate responsibility and a passion for positive change.

As an all-girls school, Brigidine empowers students to pursue leadership roles across all fields This enables them to break barriers and spearhead transformative change within their communities and beyond. At Brigidine College, we instil in our students the conviction to drive meaningful change, lead with compassion and create a lasting impact on the world.


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