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Bede Polding College, South Windsor NSW – Building Resilience

In recent years, Bede Polding College has embarked on an explicit wellbeing program called ‘GEM’.
Taking cues from the work of ‘The Resilience Project’, and founded on the principles of positive psychology, the pillars of gratitude, empathy and mindfulness are key in the conversations and approaches taken
throughout the school. These pillars are designed to build resilience, and could not have been better timed than amid a pandemic. Despite the disruption, and at times the distance, the relational nature of GEM meant that students stayed connected, and continued to have a sense of belonging, both with each other, their College House, as well as with their GEM Mentor – a teacher they see every day, who knows them and works with them to build character strengths and set goals for learning and wellbeing. GEM fosters leadership within our students, by identifying their natural character strengths and drawing out their potential. The growth of our team of student leaders from Years 7 to 12, has shown that students learn best when they are feeling well supported, known, and empowered to make choices about their decisions while at school, and for their life beyond school. Bede Polding College takes pride in empowering its students for lifelong learning and wellbeing


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