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Bede Polding College NSW – Change Makers
Bede Polding graduates are creative, collaborative, curious, critical thinking young people, prepared for a rapidly changing world and ready to be the change in their world. They are lifelong learners, equipped with the skills to navigate further study or employment and to make valuable contributions to their communities. Our educators are forward thinkers, focused on holistically empowering students to apply these skills with compassion and empathy, beyond the walls of the classroom and into their life and careers.
Change makers require resilience, tenacity, commitment, vision and highly developed interpersonal skills. At Bede Polding, our staff are tireless in their pursuit of developing these kinds of leaders, of both the present and the future. Leaders who are dedicated, persistent, innovative, agile thinkers, team-players — regardless of the sector they aspire to influence From the world of business, technology, agriculture, health care, education, politics, industry, design, hospitality, art — the world is being influenced improved and transformed by the change makers of Bede Polding College.