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Ave Maria College VIC – Change Makers
At Ave Maria College, students take centre stage as valued change-makers. As educators of young women for over sixty years, we understand that young people are aware of the issues facing them both at school and in their wider communities. We believe that each and every student holds a unique perspective and, with the right support, the capacity to be a leader in their community.
From Year 7, students have opportunities to take on formal and informal leadership roles across a diverse array of portfolios, allowing students to serve their community and act as catalysts for meaningful change.
We are also dedicated to providing innovative and contemporary learning experiences that allow students to thrive in our ever-changing world. With a focus on maximising student growth and engagement, we work closely with families and students to develop bespoke learning pathways that will set them up for success in whatever field they choose As a result, our Alumnae have access to a wide variety of tertiary study, apprenticeship and employment opportunities that allow them to pursue their true passions and break traditional gender barriers.