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Ambrose Treacy College QLD – Change Makers

Ambrose Treacy College (ATC) brings the Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition to a lived reality. With the EREA Touchstones informing the College Pillars of Learning, Leadership and Service, our community’s point of difference is the genuine ethic of care for every person, where unconditional positive regard is celebrated. At ATC, we are called to be Signum Fidei, or a Sign of Faith in the world, which means to give voice to those who are not heard, and a place to belong for those who are not seen. Our values-based formation permeates what we do and is the essence of our young men who stand in solidarity with those on the margins. It is what we do and who we are. We are C.O.U.R.A.G.E – Compassionate, Optimistic, Upstanding, Respectful, Accountable, Grateful, Empowering. We are committed to justice for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection Our Leadership program promotes opportunities for every boy to develop leadership skills so they can be champions of change. ATC is an inclusive community that fosters right relationships, and every student is required to work in the community and give back because we know we are stronger together. Now, more than ever, we need young men to be gentlemen and a gentle man. We need young men who are empathetic, understanding and willing to listen to each other and ‘be the change’ the world needs.


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