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Ambrose Treacy College – Champions of Change

Theodore Borger acknowledges that his academic success is due to the teachers at ATC. “They care about our future. Although sometimes the schoolwork may seem hard, our teachers ensure we remain committed, that we are supported to achieve our true potential.” Service is a unique part of ATC and it shapes our community. “The little acts of kindness (microservice) are just as important as any large service deeds (macroservice). Recently, I took part in Steptember; an initiative that funds research into a cure for cerebral palsy. During my three years at ATC, I am proud to say I have accrued over 100 hours of community Service.”

One of the most powerful examples of leadership is being someone who doesn’t seek praise or accolades. “My approach to leadership is based on both actions and words. One doesn’t need a badge or a pulpit to demonstrate leadership. We can all lead with integrity through our daily interactions. This is a core virtue that our College holds paramount.”


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