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St Benedict’s College, Mango Hill QLD – Reimagining Education

he College’s Honoratus Gifted and Talented Program acknowledges the tradition of St. Honoratus, an Italian Benedictine monk who lived in the 15th century who was a teacher and lifelong learner. He used a methodology of learning and teaching that integrated deep thinking and creativity to identify and develop outstanding scholars. Through the Honoratus Gifted and Talented Program, the College aims to
extend talented students who demonstrate outstanding achievement in specific curriculum areas and in a range of formal tests. In addition, the College aims to extend the gifts, or aptitudes, of high-potential students through identification and recommendation by teachers informed by the students’ special interests, work ethic, desire to learn and sense of curiosity.

Each of the Honoratus Gifted and Talented Program offerings enable students to engage in activities led by teachers with specific expertise. These activities variously demand critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and culminate in performance- based events. This extension occurs parallel to the curriculum in the form of extracurricular Academic, Culture and Sport Programs.


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