St Charles Borromeo Catholic Primary School, Templestowe VIC







Established: 1983

Principal: Miranda Zuzic

Address: 230-234 Serpells Road, Templestowe 3106


Key Information


12 Teaching

9 Non Teaching


See website (Primary)



About our school


Inspired by the life of Jesus, we at St Charles Borromeo aspire to be loving, respectful

and inclusive of all through our learning and faith community


We see;     We hear;      We act
We embrace one another with open hearts
A welcoming, caring, close-knit school community.

Quality teaching and learning is at the heart of everything we do at St. Charles Borromeo Primary School. The classrooms are alive with learning. The students are engaged, focused and happy in a safe and productive learning environment. We teach each individual child from their point of need and make authentic links to the global community.

Our approach in the classroom is to provide each child with the opportunity to reach their potential in a supported and inspiring contemporary learning setting. Our contemporary flexible learning spaces are of the highest quality. Literacy and Numeracy are high priority learning areas, knowing that the skills and concepts developed during classroom programs strengthen learning across the whole curriculum. For extra support, we have a Wellbeing Leader, Literacy Leader, Mathematics Leader and an intervention teacher.

Our programs;

  • Buddies program
  • Daily literacy and Numeracy sessions
  • Individualised spelling program
  • Intervention programs
  • Weekly specialist classes; Sport, Visual Arts, Italian, Performing Arts, , Music
  • Lunchtime clubs
  • STEM and ICT lessons
  • Daily Chrisitian meditation
  • Sacramental programs
  • Whole school Positive Behaviours for Learning
  • Weekly masses with Fr Charles

Principal's Message

At St Charles Borromeo we value our families as the primary educators of their children. This is particularly true of the values and spiritual growth of your child. The Catholic school, as part of the parish, supports and complements the family in this development. Therefore, the full benefit of the Catholic school occurs when you enable the school, its families, the parish and the wider community to work together to create lifelong learners.

We work closely with families to provide students with an authentic voice in their learning and belonging in our community. At St Charles Borromeo we recognise that families make an important contribution to the education of their children and we welcome active involvement and participation in the life of the school. Evidence suggests that whenever parents are actively involved in their children’s education, educational outcomes are significantly improved.

At St Charles Borromeo we work in partnership with families, nurturing each student’s individual development. We challenge, guide, support and assist students in every possible way and ensure student well being is central as we personalise learning for each student.

I look forward to welcoming you into the St Charles Borromeo School community. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to visit our school.

Miranda Zuzic


2022 NAPLAN Results

Year Reading Writing Spelling Grammar Numeracy
Year 3 431 423 421 435 396
Year 5 521 472 485 493 497

This table above shows the average student results for the year 2022. Data sourced from:


Main Campus

230-234 Serpells Road, Templestowe, 3106

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